
The DIJuF periodically publishes books and brochures on youth welfare and family law.

Dein Vormund vertritt dich - Die Informationsbroschüre
Information brochure: Your guardian represents you

– in German, English, French, Spanish, Turkish and Russian

published by the International Association for Pedagogic Support (IGfH) and the German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law (DIJuF) e. V.

This brochure has been written by a number of acclaimed experts. It answers questions regarding guardianship and supplement fosterage. It targets/addresses children and adolescents as well as parents, educators and child care workers.

This brochure is temporarily out of stock. It can be downloaded in different languages. In order to do so, please visit:


Jugendamtsverzeichnis – Verzeichnis deutscher Jugendbehörden (2007)
Index of German youth welfare offices

in German

The new edition of the German youth welfare offices' index is comprehensive and up-to-date. It offers:

  • Addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of all German youth welfare offices and regional youth welfare authorities
  • Information about the youth welfare offices' chief executives
  • Lists of departments as well as names and contact dates of the appropriate officials
  • Index of youth welfare offices arranged according to regional authorities, cities and boroughs, administrative centres and federal states

If preferred, the index is also available as a CD-ROM. The CD-ROM is licensed for one work station.

Charge: See purchase order form.

For purchase orders please use our purchase order form.


Berater, Unterstützer und Beistand (position paper, 2006)

Profil eines modernen Dienstleisters im Jugendamt
(Profile of a modern youth welfare service provider)

– in German

published by the German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law (DIJuF) e. V.

A group of experienced „Beiständen” (youth welfare professionals, responsible for enforcing child maintenance claims) consulted together from 2004 until 2006. The above mentioned thesis paper is the result of this cooperation. It discusses the job description and job-related self-conception of the „Beistandschaft” in the Youth Welfare Office.

You can access the document here.


In 2006, the DIJuF's centenary year, the DIJuF published a book that takes a closer look at the institute's history.

Ein Jahrhundert Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht (2006)
(A century of youth welfare and family law)

– in German

Vom Archiv deutscher Berufsvormünder zum Deutschen Institut für Jugendhilfe und Familienrecht (DIJuF) e. V. – 1906 bis 2006

published by the German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law (DIJuF) e. V. – in German

During his extensive research for this book the historian, Dr. Harald Jenner, uncovered previously unknown documents. He vividly describes the development of the institute between 1906 and 1985. A special chapter is dedicated to the institute's social and political role in the Third Reich. The DIJuF's chairman, Mr. Thomas Mörsberger, describes the last 20 years of the institute's developments.

This anniversary publication is not only a review of the DIJuF's history, but also a retrospective of German legal history.

Price: The anniversary publication costs 7.80 EUR (17.80 EUR for non-members ) (plus shipment)

Please use our purchase order form.


Verantwortlich handeln – Schutz und Hilfe bei Kindeswohlgefährdung (2004)
(Take responsibility – Protection and support of children in danger)

Saarbrücker Memorandum

– in German

published by the German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law (DIJuF) e. V.

Following a number of extreme cases of child abuse and molestation as well as general criticism of the youth welfare offices' work, a commission was established in 2007. This commission was set up in order to compile propositions suited to improve the protection of children and adolescents. The memorandum became a landmark in the discussion about child protection, due to its suggestions about the handling of child endangerment notifications and guiding principles for the formulation of youth welfare offices' standards and guidelines.

The „Saarbücker Memorandum” was edited by the Bundesanzeiger Verlag.

Charge: See order purchase form.


Zusammenarbeit zwischen Familiengerichten und Jugendämtern bei der Verwirklichung des Umgangs zwischen Kindern und Eltern (2004)
(Child custody and visitation: Cooperation between family courts and youth welfare offices)

Dokumentation einer Veranstaltungsreihe

– in German

The DIJuF, the German Federal Ministry of Justice and the German Federal Ministry of Family, Pensioners Women and Youth organised a number of workshops on the topic of cooperation between youth welfare offices and family courts in order to establish contact between parents and their children in cases of separation and/or divorce. The DIJuF presents a comprehensive and highly informative documentation of these workshops. This documentation outlines the possibilities for effective and individual cooperation between family courts and youth welfare offices.

The documentation includes expert contributions as well as information about prevailing case law, various cooperation schemes and new concepts of visitation accompanied by professionals.

You can access the documentation here.