The DIJuF's history
The DIJuF is over one hundred years old. It was founded in 1906 in Frankfurt a. M. as „Archiv deutscher Beufsvormünder” (the Association of professional German legal guardians).
The association had a great influence on the development of legal custody Germany. It was also involved in the founding of the German youth welfare offices, which took on responsibility for legal custodianship in the 1920's.
In 1955 (after a number changes in name) the association became the „Deutsches Institut für Vormundschaftswesen” (German institute for legal custodianship). In 1999, during the course of the reform of the German child law, the institute extended its range of responsibilities into the legal realms of youth welfare and family law. It adopted its current name at the same time.
„A century of youth welfare and family law”, which was published by Dr. Harald Jenner on the occasion of the DIJuF's centenary, gives a comprehensive overview of the DIJuF's history.