Members/Articles of association
Municipalities and counties representing the local bodies for public youth human services are forming the membership of German Institute for Youth Human Services and Family Law (DIJuF).
The composition of the membership has remained constant for decades. In 2020, 557 of the 558 German youth welfare offices are members of the DIJuF, although this number only comprises one youth welfare office for each of the German city states' (such as Berlin and Hamburg) and not the individual youth departments in the boroughs within those states.
Additionally, there are 28 other bodies for youth human services who are members of the association.
The DIJuF is a registered non profit association. Pursuant to § 5 of its articles of association, it is represented by the general assembly, the executive board and the board of directors.
The general assembly convenes once every two years. The general assembly discusses and decides on fundamental constitutional matters. Additionally, it elects the members of the executive board and the board of directors.
The office in Heidelberg is central to the provision of services to the DIJuF's members. It cooperates in a multi-faceted way with the responsible bodies of the non-governmental youth welfare organisations and associations and the legislative and regional and national authorities.
The office also serves as a venue for professional conferences. It is also used as a venue for the members of the standing symposia, as well as by various specialized working groups and the DIJuF's commissions.
The DIJuF's Articles of Association can be downloaded via the German version of the website.