Transnational Foundations for Ethical Practice in Interventions
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 291827.
The project CULTURAL ENCOUNTERS IN INTERVENTIONS AGAINST VIOLENCE is financially supported by the HERA Joint Research Programme ( which is co-funded by AHRC, AKA, BMBF via PT-DLR, DASTI, ETAG, FCT, FNR, FNRS, FWF, FWO, HAZU, IRC, LMT, MHEST, NWO, NCN, RANNÍS, RCN, VR and The European Community FP7 2007-2013, under the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities programme.
Final Progress Report 2013-2016
September 2013 to August 2016
One of CEINAV’s main goals was to develop a transnational foundation for ethical practice in intervention, taking a holistic view of the forms of violence we have studied, while attending to differences. The paper “Transnational Foundations for Ethical Practice in Interventions Against Violence Against Women and Child Abuse” results from in-depth discussions in the four-country team. It was written by Liz Kelly and Thomas Meysen with an approach that speaks directly to practitioners and the challenges they face.
We make this paper available in the four languages of our project, and invite others to translate into further languages (but please let us know if you do so!)
International Comparison of Child Protection Systems
After exploring the legal-organisational frameworks as well as the socio-cultural backgrounds in each country and form of violence two multidisciplinary workshops with professionals were held in all four countries. The same phased story was discussed in all workshops across countries to find out about the frames and dilemmas the professionals are experiencing. An international comparison on the professionals‘ practical and ethical dilemmas in the child protection workshops as well as working papers for each form of violence and country:
Meysen, T. & Kelly, L. (2017). Child Protection Systems: Between Professional Cooperation and Trustful Relationships. A comparison of professionals’ practical and ethical dilemmas in England/Wales, Germany, Portugal and Slovenia. In: Child & Family Social Work. Article ID: CFS12403
Anthology “Experiences of intervention against violence"
The five CEINAV teams sought to hear the voices of women and young people with a minority or migration background who had travelled through a history of violence and intervention. From these interviews an anthology of stories was created, in which the Women and young people were interviewed and describe when and how intervention helped them or failed to help. They also tell us, what they think could be done better. From these interviews an anthology “Experiences of intervention against violence” has been drawn up. All stories were translated into English next to the original language as an invitation to think about how experiences may differ or be similar in different countries of Europe.